I’m sure you are all feeling some strange mixture of tiredness, restlessness, anxiety, and grief. Experiences are forever altered. To paraphrase from the Ash Wednesday lectionary – “is such the fast that I choose?”
As we are all deeply aware, community is essential now and contact is prohibited. We have to offer each other sacraments of our presence. To that end, Miles and I have been working on some options that will hopefully help with some of that and will also be adding some more. But for starters:
We will have a zoom evening prayer on Thursday at 6pm. Feel free to drop in and then catch up when it is over. I will send out an invitation on Thursday.
On Sunday at 11am there will be a zoom morning prayer, if you are not live-streaming another service. And that evening I will send out and also post an Evensong service that you can do on your own with links to various settings of music to enjoy as you offer your prayers. Following the service, as is the custom in England, feel free to join on zoom for a glass of sherry, grapejuice, tea, or whatever comforting beverage you might wish to have.
Next week on Monday night we will have evening prayer at 6pm. On Tuesday we will revive, via zoom, the Harry Potter and the Sacred Text discussion. We are going to bypass the first two books and go straight to book 3 because, well, things got real suddenly. We will be discussing chapters 1-3.
Wednesday mornings at 10am we will have morning prayer.
Thursdays at 6pm we will resume the Good Place Discussions and conclude with compline.
I want to put together a multi-media journal that is epublished throughout our quarantine time. Is there an essay, some pictures, a poem, a short story, anything that you might want to contribute or even to write that we can assemble. I would like the first issue to be released for Holy Week so deadline is April 4. Be in touch!
Please join us for what might seem worthwhile to you and hopefully it will be everything! And there is more to come!