We are hosting podcast host, author, and speaker Hannah Paasch! Hannah Paasch, aka Garbage Oprah, has been hosting, posting, and writing about issues of faith, the enneagram, healing, and generally trying to irreverently make life a little better. Her millenneagram podcast has been opening the enneagram up as a spiritual Continue Reading
Easter Evensong April 22
Candles and Chant is Monday at 6:30 pm this week. We will have a special evensong this week at 6:30 to celebrate Easter Monday and bid farewell to one of our singers. There will be a food and fun afterwards so please join us. 6:30pm at St Mark’s (2300 Bancroft Continue Reading
Holy Week in Berkeley
We will not have our usual service but join a Berkeley parish this week. Read on for more details. We will resume with a special evensong for Easter on April 22 at 6:30pm. Holy Week is the most moving time of the Christian calendar. Each day marks the move to Continue Reading